The story begins in the land of Bethlehem with, Naomi, and her husband, Elimelech. Bethlehem was in the middle of a famine. A famine is when the land is SO dry that they are unable to grow any food! Naomi, and her husband didn’t know what to do, so they left the land of Bethlehem and moved to the land of Moab. Naomi, had two sons named, Mahlon, and Chilion, and it was in the land of Moab that her sons found wives.
But something horrible happened, Naomi’s, husband and two sons died. Naomi, decided that she would go back to the land of Bethlehem. Naomi, said to her daughter’s-in-laws, “return to your own mother’s house.” One of her daughters-in-laws left, but the other clung to her and said, “Where you go, I go, your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” Her name was, Ruth.
Naomi, and, Ruth, set out for the land of Bethlehem, and although they didn’t know it, God, was taking care of them. In Bethlehem, Ruth, needed to collect food for her and, Naomi. She went to a field and picked up the grain that had fallen to the ground. The owner of the field asked his workers, “Who is this women?”
The workers explained that she was with, Naomi, from the land of Moab. What, Ruth, didn’t realize was that the owner of the field was a relative of, Naomi. The owner’s name was, Boaz. Boaz, saw that, Ruth, was a good worker who cared for, Naomi. Boaz, was kind to, Ruth, and invited her to join him and his workers for a meal. Boaz, then sent, Ruth, home with grain for, Naomi. When, Naomi, saw the grain she was amazed and when she found out that, Ruth, went to the field of, Boaz, she was grateful, “May he be blessed by the LORD,” Naomi, said.
Naomi, wanted, Ruth, to be taken care of, and so, Naomi, sent, Ruth, to where, Boaz, was sleeping. “Who are you?” Boaz, asked when he realized somebody was there “It is, Ruth,” she explained. Boaz, was honored that, Ruth, would be willing to marry him, but, Boaz, knew that there was a closer relative to her than him. The next day, Boaz, would go to town at meet this relative, if this relative would not take care of her, then he would. God, knew that, Boaz, would show kindness to, Ruth, and, Naomi. The next day, Boaz, and the relative met and the relative gave, Boaz, permission to marry, Ruth.
Naomi, and, Ruth, felt very small, but, God, could see them and, God, knew what they needed. God, prepared their way in meeting, Boaz. God, took care of them, and soon, God, blessed, Ruth, and, Boaz, with a son.