Altar Servers: Any child who has made his or her First Communion is welcome to become an altar server. This is an excellent opportunity for young children to become active members of our faith community. Training and instruction for a better understanding of the Mass is provided.
OL - Contact: Anne Swann [email protected]
SJ - Contact Deacon Rob Pang [email protected]
Yolanda Zamora [email protected]
Building and Grounds: We are looking for men and women with "handy-person" and gardening or landscaping skills to help maintain the beauty and dignity of our church, rectory, lawn and gardens.
SJ: Contact: Mario Zamora
Caring Community: A network of parishioners who are willing to help by doing simple acts of kindness for fellow parishioners in need. Examples: give rides to those without transportaion, visit the homebound, bring meals to those facing hardship, check in on those who have lost a loved one, give breaks to parishioners who are caring for the ill/homebound.
OL: Mary (Bonnie) Leggett [email protected]
Funeral: This ministry is to help the families during this difficult time. We need sacristans to prepare the church for the funeral /memorial Mass. If necessary, serve as acolyte or Eucharistic Minister. You would serve as usher to welcome the family and friends to the church.
SJ: Contact May Pang [email protected]
Homebound Eucharistic Ministers: "Every Catholic should have the opportunity to receive Holy Communion on Sunday. If you cannot come to the Lord, our Parish will bring the Lord to you." The home bound need to receive the Eucharist every Sunday. Join our team of Sunday Eucharistic Ministers to bring Holy Communion to the Homebound. One must be willing to set aside sufficient time to practice this calling afte Mass at least one Sunday a month.
SJ: Contact Deacon Rob Pang [email protected]
Hospitality: This ministry provides the Sunday hospitality after the 10:30 Mass. This is the time when our Parish family can mingle and get to know each other. If you would like to learn more about this ministry.
SJ: Contact: Robin Miller [email protected]
Spiritual Study: We plan parish events and promote spiritual growth to help celebrate the liturgy, liturgical seasons and to provide adults with the opportunity to grow in their faith as part of our faith community.
OL: Contact: Fr. Tom Kunnel at [email protected]
SJ: Contact: Johanna Krumm [email protected]
Ministers of Welcome: This committee welcomes all who comes to Parish at each of the Masses. If you would like to join the team contact our ushers for more information.
OL - Contact: Contact: Ray Hayes
SJ - Contact: Pam Pekar [email protected]
John Tierney [email protected]
Music: Music and singing is the heart of the Eucharist. St. Augustine said, "he who sings prays twice". The Choir is looking for new member to make our liturgy more joyful. If you have a voice or play an instrument come and join the choir .
OL: Saturday Choir Director is Joan Deltoro [email protected]
OL: Children's Choir: Krystof & Tanya Witek
SJ: Spanish Children's Choir Carlos Cerna
Edith Nova [email protected]
Outreach: We reach out to those who are physically and /or spiritually in need through out the year. At Thanksgiving we provide the needy with food baskets and at Christmas, we have our giving tree. We remember those that have passed on during the year and during the Spring we celebrate all the children that were baptized the year before. Join our ministry and help us serve our community.
SJ: Contact Cathy Caltagirone [email protected]
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Ladies meet once a week every Thursday at 7PM in the Pastoral Center to make shawls for the sick and homebound in our community.
OL Contact Rose Gavigan [email protected]
RCIA: We welcome you to full membership in the life of the church. The instruction of the Catholic faith for adults will lead you to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharistat the Easter Vigil.
OL: Contact: Deacon Joseph Dass [email protected]
SJ: Contact: Deacon Rob Pang [email protected]
Religious Ed Catechists: Educating our children of our faith is the one of the highest priority of our parish. We are always looking for volunteers for teachers or aids to assist in this endeavor. Parents with education skills, or special skill of story telling/drama or puppetry are needed.
OL: Anne Swan [email protected]
Sarah Hunt: [email protected]
SJ: Spanish: Yolanda Zamora: [email protected]
Social: Mission Statement: To unite our Parish family and build a stronger bond between our brothers and sisters. We organize social events that will celebrate our diversity and enjoy the fellowship of all our Parishioners. If interested in joining our event planners.
SJ: Contact May Pang [email protected]
St. Monica Prayer Group: Members of the Parish who imitate St. Monica and pray for the children of the parish community. They become a supportive group to those children who are having tough time.
OL: Eleanor Kleper [email protected]
Wedding: It's the big day for the bride and groom, this ministry will help the couple prepare for their wedding day. We will be there at the rehearsal, help them through the rehearsal, as well as prepare the church before the wedding as well as clean up after the wedding. We will answer any questions they may have for the wedding. If you enjoy weddings, this is your ministry for you..
SJ: Contact May Pang [email protected]
Catholic Daughters of the America : The Local Court, St. Anne, meets at St. John every month on the first Tuesday of the month. They provide spirituality, sharing and activity under the support of a vibrant national organization. Members donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” They embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. If you would like to join this organization, contact our regent. SJ: Contact Lucille Zaccaro
C.Y.O. ATHLETIC BOARD - Members of our Parish who assist in providing child oriented programs: Basketball tournaments, campouts, and various other programs.
OL: Contact Mara Hauser, President: [email protected]
Hispanic Community: This committee works with the Hispanic parishioners with various outreach, spiritual, fundraising, and social activities. If you would like more information or interested in joining this ministry, contact the chairperson.
SJ: Contact: Marili Palma [email protected]
Knights of Columbus: Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community. Joining the Knights of Columbus, you become part of the largest Catholic fraternity in the world. As you grow in faith, you are supported by a true brotherhood built on shared values – and on a shared desire to be the men God has called you to be. Join Piermont Council for even more support from Catholic men in your neighborhood. and please visit our webpage: https://piermontknights.
SJ: Contact: Frank V. Toto frankvtotopiermontny2320@
ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY - The Rosary Altar Society meets on the first Monday of each month at Our Lady of The Sacred Heart.
Our mission is to lend our hearts, minds to the ongoing celebration of our Catholic Faith and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary through the reitaition of the rosary, works of charity and helping to meet the needs of the parish.
OL: Contact: Bernadette Veros [email protected]