Friday and Saturday Marriages: Please schedule anytime from 11:00 am-2:00 pm.
Sunday Marriages: English Nuptial Masses are not scheduled during regular Sunday Mass times. Please schedule your wedding ceremony anytime after 3:30 pm. Spanish weddings are usually scheduled during the 1PM Spanish Mass on the 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month at St. John.
The celebration of your marriage should be a prayerful experience for all your guests in the church.
Selection of readings for your wedding: Wedding Readings
Selection of Prayers of the Faithfulful: Wedding: Prayer of the Faithful
When selecting your witnesses, please make sure that they are both practicing Catholics.
Congratulations! We are happy to be a part of solemnizing your wedding!
Our wedding ministry is happy to help you along the way. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. May Pang 845-359-0078 [email protected]
Please complete this
PMI QUESTIONARE FORMfor your first visit with Fr. Tom and use this
Checklist as a reminder of all the "to-dos" for your wedding.